630 CHED Santas Anonymous Fund

The mission of 630 CHED Santas Anonymous was inspired by a simple wish: to see every child receive a new toy at Christmas. Since 1955 volunteers from our community have worked together to make this wish come true.

As we plan for the next 60 years (and beyond), 630 CHED Santas Anonymous has established an endowment fund through the Edmonton Community Foundation. Santas Anonymous relies heavily on the generosity of individuals and corporations, all of which can be unpredictable in times of economic uncertainty, potentially jeopardizing the ability to continue the program. The growth of the endowment fund will provide a stable resource of funds regardless of a variable economy.  Your support will provide our organization with sustainable funding to ensure we can continue to deliver the “spirit of Christmas” to over 25,000 children in Edmonton every year.

Unfortunately, the need in our city continues to grow. It’s been a difficult few years for many Albertans and some families who were once in the position to donate are now finding themselves in need of assistance for the first time.  It is likely someone you know has been a recipient of our program. As you would expect, we help people on assistance as well as the working poor. Your donations also allows us to assist families who find themselves facing unexpected difficult circumstances. If a parent loses their job just before Christmas and the family must struggle to make ends meet, we will be there to ensure that every child has a new toy on Christmas morning. That family may never require our services again, but on that important day it made a difference to be remembered.

“Today I received a Christmas package for my daughter. It was wonderful!!! It actually brought me to tears knowing how much people really care for one another. Thank you so much and when I am in a better financial situation I will for sure do the same for another family!” – Simone

Thank you for your support of  630 CHED Santas Anonymous. Your willingness to help less fortunate children in our community makes all the difference.

To learn more about our history and the impact your donation will make please visit www.santasanonymous.ca

How Endowment Funds Work

Donate to This Fund

Fill out the form below to contribute a one-time donation, or set up a recurring monthly donation to the 630 CHED Santas Anonymous Fund. We will notify the founder/family of your thoughtful gift unless you request anonymity.

Please note: Donations made to any fund listed on our online directory will be processed by www.canadahelps.org. You will receive an electronic tax receipt directly from CanadaHelps for the full amount of your donation. The fund you are supporting will receive the net amount of your donation less the CanadaHelps processing fee.

Donate to 630 CHED Santas Anonymous Fund