Miistakis Institute for the Rockies Fund

Want to be part of a solution? The award-winning Miistakis Institute empowers landowners, governments and other interested organizations to find sustainable, lasting solutions to environmental problems. We tackle a wide range of issues by putting the right tools and information in the hands of the right people.

Why We Exist

When it comes to solving a complex array of conservation issues, Albertans have a lot of questions. For example, what is the financial impact of wildlife on beef producers? What tools do municipalities need to effectively adapt to the impacts of climate change? Should we reintroduce beavers in some areas to increase watershed resiliency in Alberta? How do you stop animals from dying on highways and simultaneously increase highway safety for people?

Whether it’s by conducting and effectively communicating robust science and research, or through community engagement and strategic planning, Miistakiis has a long history of getting individuals and organizations what they need to make real progress on habitat and wildlife conservation issues. Our work aims to inform decision-making, ultimately putting conservation in the hands of the people.

How Endowment Funds Work

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Fill out the form below to contribute a one-time donation, or set up a recurring monthly donation to the Miistakis Institute for the Rockies Fund. We will notify the founder/family of your thoughtful gift unless you request anonymity.

Please note: Donations made to any fund listed on our online directory will be processed by www.canadahelps.org. You will receive an electronic tax receipt directly from CanadaHelps for the full amount of your donation. The fund you are supporting will receive the net amount of your donation less the CanadaHelps processing fee.

Donate to the Miistakis Institute for the Rockies Fund